Thursday, April 2, 2009

An old story with a new meaning

Maybe its something in the water (well, theres plenty of stuff in the water here, but thats not what I'm talking about)
Maybe its the heat, or the constant sway of the ship.
Or maybe God has been trying to make a point to me for a while now and my stubborness has yet again made Him repeat Himself 3 times, this being the latest attempt.
I tend to believe it is the latter, why I read this story as if it were for the first time, that is.
Since being on the ship I have had some normal ups and downs. I'm not going to pretend that moving away from home onto a big ship in the middle of a third world country felt entirely normal and perfect. It was surprisingly easy and natural, but what I didn't expect was a "boatload" (couldn't help the pun) of doubts to surface over the last week or so.
So there I was last week, struggling, praying, struggling, praying. You get the point.
In devotions someone alluded to having no fear or doubts about the future. I heard it, but in one ear and out the other as they say...
In community meeting I heard about Paul, being content in all things, to have plenty or be in need. This time I even mentally registered the thought "Why would I doubt God has great plans for my life and future?" But again, by the time I prayed again I had dismissed round 2 of my potential lesson, practically asking God for something to hang onto, some hope or answers about so many things on my mind, all of the doubts.
Then I'm sitting last Saturday doing my bible study. There I was (happily) drinking my coffee, looking up the scriptures for the day, not expecting what came next. Read on:

Matthew 14:25-31
During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear.
But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water."
"Come," he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said,

"why did you doubt?"

Like I said, maybe its the simple fact that I am on a boat, but this story holds so much more significance right now and I am drawing a lot of parallels here, still.
I'm all like " Yes God, I will follow you, I have trust and faith. Send me, I'll go"
Then within weeks of getting here I'm doubting some really big (and some really nominal) things in my life.
How quickly we forget, eh?

There is more about this story I never recognized either. When Peter starts sinking and crys out, Jesus immediately reached out His hand and caught Him. He didn't watch Him sink. He didn't let Him drown. He loved Him, He grabbed hold of him and saved him.

I have been writing down verses that impact me since I've been here. This one made it to the wall right next to my pillow (where I lay my hard head every night).

I'll try my best not to forget this one.


Laurel said...

suzanne, this is wonderful! i have been having a similar experience with questions and feeling like i am drowning and reading this reminded me! we are not alone and HE will never let us drown. He's there weather we realize it or not, right? Sometimes we just forget to look up or reach out... it always amazes me how self oriented i am even when i think i'm not! well, i must be... enough so to forget my creator! DUH! We humans sure are tards sometimes. I love you and am keepin with those prayers for my dear sweet Suzy <3 hugs from Mass!

Mom Taylor said...

Hi Suzanne,
Loved reading your blog this afternoon. I am starting to miss Becca already and she isn't even gone yet. I am sure you will be a big help to her when she gets over there and begins to have a few "meltdowns." The passage you read has been a help to me too, many times. It is just human nature to forget. God is always there. It's just that we have to work a little harder than we want to to find him. I will be praying for you and your days to be filled with the joy and assurance of his love.

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, I enjoy your posts a lot, just haven't written to tell you so. They are always interesting and very informative for those of us who have no real knowledge of Africa. Keep them coming. Ry's Grandma, Mary Wilson
PS I named you Sparkle from the first picture I saw of the group. Hope you don't mind, but you are just Sparkle to me. You always have such an alive and fun appearance.

Unknown said...

I've had such a similar experience with the same bible passage. It just seems fitting that I read this on Holy Thursday.
I will be thinking of you on Easter, knowing you are celebrating in Christ's resurrection with all of his love and kindness surrounding you
Love always,