And just when you thought I would go on forever and get to my point after some ridiculously long intro and babbling about matters of the heart, I bring you my story~
This week has been centered around Basic Safety. Two days ago we covered fire safety where we got to gear up in firefighter outfits (haha, I'm such a girl...really Suzanne, firefighter outfits?). I'm leaving that because it is just too funny to me to take out. Laughing at yourself is good medicine.
Alright. So on Tuesday we were loaded up (adorned in our sweet outfits) and dropped off at the fire testing area. This included a huge, 30-something-foot metal container which at first was filled with smoke (fake stuff for now) and also had a dummy (Buck) placed somewhere inside. Our job was to go in as a pair and "search" the container for Buck and move him out of danger. In order to search, one person keeps their hand against the side of the container and with the free hand holds onto their partner. The partner is then free to search with one free hand, while keeping one on their partner as they do so. You do this while crouched down on your knees because in an actual fire the temps would be up near 6 or 700 degrees near the ceiling.
I dubbed the heavy clothes "cozy" and the mask "fun". And then I realized something...that container was pitch black inside. To many of you this seems silly, for me it brought on fear. I struggle a lot with the dark. Its hard to explain but I feel crushed and yet at the same time weightless when I am surrounded by darkness. Bring on fire, sharks, snakes, spiders, :insert scariness here: ... no worries. Darkness, ugh. I reminded my partner of this little fact as it was something we had discussed at some point over the last few weeks. Now may be a good time to mention that my partner happens to be a firefighter. He gave me a quick rundown of exactly what we would do. He asked me if I wanted to be the one next to the wall or on the side searching. He mentioned the far side is sometimes disorienting but that we both just hold on tight to each others shoulder. I chose the outside to start. We zipped up and got ourselves in line. He checked me over and made some adjustments, making sure I was all covered up and properly tucked in with everything secure. As we stepped into the container he grabbed my jacket tight and we went ahead to complete our job. Not once did his grip loosen, not once did I feel lost or scared, he knew exactly what to do and talked through the whole thing.
The next time in the container was a bit more technical. They started an actual fire at one end and our job was to go in one in front of the other with a fire hose and fight it. The heat was real, the darkness even more enveloping now that it was mixed with thick black smoke. They told us our lifeline was the hose, just stay close and we would be fine. I was checked over once again, mask adjusted and collar fastened. My partner took the lead to start, we knew we would switch places once inside and I was happy to have him go in front of me. Within the first few steps he told me to grab his shoulder. We crawled into the darkness until we could see the flames. He did his half and then it was my turn. As I walked around his side he grabbed my jacket until I was in the right place, and again held my shoulder with that reassuring grip. Once finished we backed out, his hand never leaving my shoulder until we stepped out into the fresh air.
Firefighters are protectors, and I have learned they watch out for each other with a fierce loyalty.
Not once throughout either instance did I feel fear. I never felt alone or suspended in uncertainty with the walls of blackness bearing down on me (melodramatic, I know, unfortunatly its quite real).
And now for what my mom said after I told her how I made it through the day...
"It like an analogy for your relationship with God"
Without re-stating everything I'll draw some of the lines. Before anything happens in life, especially the tough things, God checks me over and makes sure I am prepared, secure, and protected (its called the armor of God for a reason).
Once inside the situation God grabs hold of me with a strength like no other. Each step of the way I can listen for reassurance. Even when I come face to face with the fire He is right behind me, grasping me tight, holding me up. Until I am out the other side He never lets go, and not even then does He really ever let go. If I draw near to God in all things He will remain steadfast, He will never leave my side.
And now for my "wrap up", which I didn't come up with either. Here's a shout out for you Ali, we'll discuss how absurdly long this post is tomorrow because I think you are already sleeping by now ;)
Without further adieu~
Isaiah 43:1-2
But now, this is what the LORD says—
"...Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire,you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze."
Truly Awesome stuff.
And here is a picture of me rocking out in my sweet outfit.
Awesome. What a great revelation. AND, I love your outfit :-)
that's awesome! what a great picture to have of God. incidentally, I was just reading Isaiah 43 this morning - that's so cool :)
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